Sunday, February 05, 2006

Kosmix and Paritrana...

"If there's anyone itching to take on Google, it is the two Indian guys who went to Stanford with Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. "....

Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan are launching their ambitious start up Kosmix to compete with Google.

Unlike Google, Kosmix would narrow the search by category. Rather than simply entering the ‘key word’ in the search box and getting some unrelated results, user can select appropriate category or topic of the search along with the keyword and get almost closer and relevant results. Read more about Kosmix and its founders here

And about Paritrana..

It is a new Indian political party started by five IITians, all in their 20’s.

Firt thing first. I’m impressed by the party's ideology:

“Responsibility is proportional to abilities. Those with superior abilities naturally bear more responsibility and should come forward to change the pitiful condition that the nation is facing. Everyone must do what one should.”

I was trying to find more info about this party and their founders.. and was amazed that there have been lots of discussions on this topic in the blogworld already. There is an interview with Paritrana founders too.

Sounds very impressive and they seem to be on the right direction too.. BP (hehe…bench periyasamy..) wishes them all the best..!

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